Friday, April 3, 2009


Wow it's been over 3 months since WBTML has posted anything. Are we still alive? Was Scottie murdered by an angry Lakers fan? Did we run out of material after the 2008 Padres season officially ended? (The Padres season was mathematically over in May, but they actually were still playing until September... who knew?)

Good news - I think we're back! The 2009 Padres season is nearly underway, so Dave will re-emerge from hibernation. I'm thinking about taking a stance on the upcoming NBA & NFL draft, the NBA Playoffs, maybe some Tampa Bucs coverage here and there, and since I'm in San Diego, I may even writing about the Padres.

Today I found an interesting article about Michael Clayton, the Tampa Buccaneers 2nd string wide receiver. Clayton is coming off a solid 2008 season in which he almost had 500 years receiving. After underperforming for the past four years, Tampa Bay management consumed a few too many cocktails in early March and shockingly offered Clayton a 5 year, $26 million dollar contract.

If you need statistical evidence that Michael Clayton is an awful WR, here are his numbers over the past five seasons:


2004TAM16 80 1193 14.9 75 7 56

2005TAM14 32 372 11.6 41 0 18

2006TAM12 33 356 10.8 27 1 22

2007TAM14 22 301 13.7 39 0 14

2008TAM15 38 484 12.7 58 1 21

Clearly not very impressive.

So why was he re-signed in the first place? ESPN's Pat Yasinskas answers this mysterious question in the following article:

Clayton Ready to Block Out the Past 4 Seasons

This quote summarizes the article perfectly: "I really think that's why I stayed here because they value the blocking so much," Clayton said.

Apparently that's an important quality in a #2 receiver... more important than CATCHING THE BALL!

... Well he can't haul in a pass to save his life, but that boy sure can block!

Ladies and gentlement, your 2009 Tampa Bay Buccaneers!

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